From Monday February 7, 2022 our club will be meeting at a new venue.

The venue is the newly refurbished Gold Coast Tavern, on the corner of Bundall Road and Holden Place, Bundall - opposite HOTA.
There is plentiful parking in front of the Tavern or in their dedicated car park just across Holden Place.
We meet in the first floor Function Room at 5:45pm for fellowship, then a 6:15 meeting start.
Drinks are available from a fully stocked bar in the Function Room and  meals can be ordered at this bar.
Lift access is available, alongside the stairs to the Function Room at the western end of the tavern.
NEW MEETING VENUE Bill Crouch 2022-02-03 14:00:00Z 0

2024 Charity Race Day

21 Years of FUN-d Raising
Our Annual Charity Race Day is on again.....
This time for our 21st Year.
Saturday September 21, 2024
Gold Coast Turf Club
Gold Coast Hospital Foundation
The Rotary Foundation
Local Rotary Charities
Information Flyer is available for download at
"Download Files" on this page
2024 Charity Race Day BC 2020-08-31 14:00:00Z 0
REGULAR MEETING DAY  -  CHANGE Bill Crouch 2020-02-13 14:00:00Z 0

Golden Wheel Villas - Our Community Housing Project

Since 1988 Surfers Paradise Rotary has constructed and managed a community housing village of one-bedroom villas to provide affordable accommodation for disadvantaged aged pensioners in our community. The complex is known as Golden Wheel Villas, in the Gold Coast suburb of Arundel. We have now expanded this Community Project to a total of 23 Villas.
Golden Wheel Villas - Our Community Housing Project BC 2016-05-08 14:00:00Z 0
Takasaki Rotary Club - An Enduring International Friendship Bill Crouch 0

ROMAC (Rotary Oceania Medical Aid for Children)

ImageRotary Club’s generous support for ROMAC.

The chairman of ROMAC (Rotary Oceania Medical Aid for Children), North Region, Elaine Morgan recently travelled to Emerald with Rotarians Bryan Mason, wife Lyn and Tony Freeman to receive $25,000 raised by the Rotary Club of Emerald.

Around $18,000 came from a Gemfields’ Dinner arranged by local businessman Peter Vine.

Perhaps success was helped by the generous donation of $10,000 worth of diamonds available to attendees who could afford the price of a raffle ticket.

The Club raised a further $6,000 by organizing a bike marathon. The riders, some riding individually, some in teams, had to complete two large loops taking in close-by towns and a number of smaller loops in Emerald. The Emerald Rotary Club ROMAC Bike Ride is now in its 11th year and has raised in excess of $150,000 for ROMAC.

The real benefactors are the children brought into Australia and New Zealand by ROMAC for treatment to rectify disfiguring and/or life threatening conditions that cannot be treated in their own country.

In the past 12 months, ROMAC has brought 48 children trapped in these circumstances to Australia and New Zealand from developing countries to our north. A further 11 are waiting with 9 pending approval to make the ROMAC sponsored trip that will give them a chance perhaps to walk for the first time and to live a normal life.

ROMAC pays the fees for ICU, hospital and other services in public hospitals, while surgeons, their teams (sometimes more than 20) and other staff provide their services free of charge.

Many Rotary clubs in Australia and New Zealand, with the support of community donors like you, give children a life by supporting Rotary Oceania Medical Aid for Children (ROMAC).

ROMAC (Rotary Oceania Medical Aid for Children) Brian Pearson 0

Security and Integrity of Your Data

Posted by Bill Crouch
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ClubRunner secures all your private information using the latest security technologies. Hosted in a world class data centre with redundant power, Internet backbones and 24/7 security and monitoring, you can rest assured that your club data is safe and protected. Your members' contact information is secured behind unique logins and passwords. Access to information is also restricted, for example, a member can only view the list of members, but can modify his or her own personal information.

Data on the server is protected by TCP/IP filtering, firewall and anti-virus software that protect against any unauthorized intrusion. Backups of data are made daily and stored off-site.
Security and Integrity of Your Data Bill Crouch 0
Integrated eBulletin for Easier Communication Bill Crouch 0
Rotary International 0